A Non-Volatile Surface Tension-Driven Electrochemical Liquid Metal Actuator


We present a surface-tension driven electrochemical liquid metal (LM) actuator without the gas-producing sidereaction and capable of fabrication/operation in ambient air for practical applications. A hybrid supercapacitor is introduced to inhibit the common counter electrode side reactions, and the use of quasi-solid-state ionic hydrogel instead of liquid electrolyte further enables non-volatile operations. A 2×4 LM droplet array is demonstrated to actuate by a low driving voltage of 3.5 V for a maximum force of ~8.5 mN and a displacement of 0.56 mm in only 1.75 s. With the favorable scaling law of surface tension,further miniaturization could provide new opportunities in applications such as micro-robots, microfluidics, soft robots, and so on.

In ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2021 (Ubicomp 2021)
Zihan Wang
Zihan Wang

My research interests include soft robot and flexible sensor. Welcome to contact me.